Traumatic Day

December 11, 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014, was a traumatic and emotional day. Literally on the verge of tears, I bid final farewell to my wardrobe that has supported the 35 pounds that I have shed.  It has been difficult to gracefully part with oversized clothes as I slowly move to purchase appropriate size clothing. This sounds crazy I know.

Since being told my liver might have 10 years, I have been transforming into a healthy lifestyle, a major paradigm shift for me. My body continues to “right size” as I persist in exercise and healthier food choices.

My secret you ask?

It is simple, almost too simple. I started with a baby step. The next day I repeated the baby step and took an additional baby step, getting back up when I fall. The secret, if any, is to get up when you fall, living your life moment by moment.

No one expected my 25 year old chronic Intestinal Bowel Disease (IBD) to move into full remission. If that wasn’t enough, my liver began normalizing 4 months ago. God will continue to direct my path regardless of what lies ahead.

Yes, moving down in clothing size is fun. Now, instead of purchasing what fits, I purchase what I like. Discarding the “old” clothing sizes kind of feels like I’m saying goodbye to the old Carla and acknowledging there awaits a new journey with the new Carla.

Friends, I am passionate about helping others find their fulfilled life. You were created with a purpose. Are you ready to seek joy and contentment?

I’m here to help.

To your personal journey.

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